October 20, 2017
The 3rd english
speaking meeting, today ms.rella gives an example of a task that ms.rella gives
ms.rella divides the group with a group of 7 people and asks the group to find
5W + H, verbal / nominal, passiv / active, tenses pettrend reason and translate
with articles that have been prepared each group different articles, our group
got the third article that is "in japan 1937 Taro takemi translate invited
the first portable electrocardiograph mechine" we do the task, our group
only get two 5W + H then verbsl / nominsl, active / passive, our group articles
are verbal tenses Our articles are past tense because the storyteller used the
events in the past, our article is passive and we have translate.such as 10
english lecture meetings are over and mis.rella ask Next week the first English
language presentation should be prepared
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